by Klaus Pertl | Dec 5, 2017
In this podcast Lothar Hirneise and Klaus Pertl are talking about the questions how is it possible to survive cancer against all odds and is it possible to outsmart cancer? We hope you will enjoy this podcast and we would love to get your view on these questions.
by Klaus Pertl | Dec 5, 2017
In this podcast Lothar Hirneise and Klaus Pertl are talking about what they have learned from cancer survivors. Hear their success story. We hope you will enjoy this podcast.
by Klaus Pertl | Dec 5, 2017
This is the first podcast in this new podcast series called “Treating Cancer The 3E-Way” with Klaus Pertl and Lothar Hirneise. In this podcast you will hear about the different views what cancer is. We hope your will enjoy this podcast and we would love to get your view on this important question.