Health Books
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless
The great cookbook and textbook of the Oil-Protein Diet

The Original Book by Dr. Johanna Budwig

Cancer – The Problem and the Solution

German cancer breakthrough – A Guide To Top Clinics by Andrew Scholberg

….Lothar Hirneise and his colleague Klaus Pertl co-founded and co-direct one of the most unusual cancer centers in Germany. Neither of them is a physician. What they’ve created is a unique place for people with cancer – a “seminar house” – that has achieved stunning, extraordinary results for cancer patients who’d been told their condition was “terminal.” ….
…. To find out the secret of the 3E Center’s success, I interviewed Lothar for more than three hours, during which he explained the three essential aspects of his program: (1) the Johanna Budwig anti-cancer eating plan, (2) detoxification, and (3) counseling (mind-body medicine). ….
…. Lothar’s study proves how foolish it is for any doctor to predict how much time a cancer patient has. Cancer has become the No. 1 fear for many people, as infectious diseases such as TB and smallpox were in past times. That’s why many believe a cancer diagnosis means their life is over, and they readily believe a doctor who tells them they should get their affairs in order because they have “three months” or “six months” to live. ….
…. Lothar became a close friend and colleague of Dr. Johanna Budwig (1908-2003), who authorized him to promote and teach her anticancer protocol, which includes her famous mixture of flax oil, cottage cheese, and milk. The strict and correct application of the Budwig protocol makes the 3E Center unique. Lothar is firmly convinced that the Budwig protocol is the main reason why he gets such outstanding results for cancer patients. ….