As with everything in life, an alternative cancer approach is not for everyone, but we have real evidence that it can help people to beat cancer.
We approach cancer in a totally different way to the conventional medical profession. Many people come to us because they have reached a point in their lives where they are receptive to alternative strategies. They are physically and mentally able but what they now need is: a healing environment, with friendliness, patience, trust, hope, and the belief in a cure; and this is what we offer at our centre.
Discover The Causes
Holistic Approach
Oil-Protein Diet
Intensive Detoxification
Increase Cell Electrical Potential
Colonic Cleansing
Optional: Immuno Stabilization
Optional: Infusion Program
We know that there is always hope. You should never give up. Our experience has shown often enough, how people can become healthy again by making conscious changes.
A cancer diagnosis, whether it is an initial diagnosis or a confirmation of secondary metastases, are brutal things to experience and they can leave you feeling demoralized and powerless.
This is when you need our 3E centre; a place where people will motivate and strengthen you and give you the support you need to regain courage and enjoyment in your life – in essence, get your life back.
We have many years of practical experience and have been involved in the development of an independent cancer program for more than 20 years. In particular, we have focused on what works, and what people have actually done to survive cancer. Individuals can learn through knowledge and practice, how to control and influence their health.
Over the years, we (Lothar Hirneise and Klaus Pertl) as directors of the 3E Centre and leaders of the association ‘Cancer 21’ have carried out more than 10,000 interviews with cancer patients and have guided, advised and supported thousands of cancer patients.
Mr. Lothar Hirneise has written the most renowned book in Germany about alternative cancer treatment in Germany (with more than 880 pages) entitled: Chemotherapy Cures Cancer and the Earth is Flat: Encyclopaedia of Unconventional Cancer Therapy.
Mr. Klaus Nigel Pertl is one of the few experts in the area of mental training techniques that play a crucial role in the recovery of cancer patients.
There are very few independent cancer researchers with such wide and practical knowledge and you can benefit from this extensive knowledge and expertise with our 3E Centre program.
Our guests confirm it over and over again. For them, it is a great gift to learn and find out how they can restore feelings of hope and reassurance throughout their healing process, and how they can calm their stress and inner turmoil during the course of the 3E program. In our experience, the greatest challenge of cancer is not the physical, but rather the psychological. It is much more about the mind, in particular, negative emotions, severe anxiety, and long-term unresolved stress. This is why in the first two weeks of the course, you will learn exactly how these burdens can be continually reduced on an ongoing basis and how you can find inner peace, and start to feel better.
Everything you learn from us has been proven in the real world and it all has one aim: to activate your self-healing abilities.
This is about you as a person and above all your life story. It is about knowing what brought cancer into your life, the cause, as only in this way can cancer be stopped. It is all about working on these causes because focusing on the symptoms is not sufficient.
There are people who come to us with an initial diagnosis of cancer who want to follow an alternative method right from the start.
However, people also come to us with cancers in remission or with secondary metastases, because they are open to the approach of taking a greater responsibility for their health and recovery, and ready to learn and actively use alternative therapies.
Both groups benefit fully from our program. To find out how you might benefit from our program, please call us on our telephone number +49 7151 9813-0
As we are not a hospital, public health departments and insurance companies do not normally cover the costs of the 3E program. This means that all those who participate in it are personally financially responsible.
Over the years, we (Lothar Hirneise and Klaus Pertl) as directors of the 3E Centre and leaders of the association ‘Cancer 21’ have carried out more than 10,000 interviews with cancer patients and have guided, advised and supported thousands of cancer patients.
You come to us in Remshalden-Buoch (near Stuttgart) for a standard course of 4 weeks. However, different lengths of stay may be agreed on an individual basis. You may also bring someone to accompany you. This person will pay a supplementary fee. Your family and friends are welcome to visit you during the weekends. They may also stay overnight at the centre.
Promoting a way of helping to strengthen the immune system and to restore energy
Energizing with the help of the “Original Oil-Protein Diet“ according to Dr. Johanna Budwig’s successful and exact methods.
Maximising energy
The mind training and changes in lifestyle that are particularly important.
We give you a clearly established daily routine. We will teach you to do exactly what previous cancer survivors have done. This includes daily detox measures and an energy-boosting nutritional plan which has been specially designed for people with cancer. Above all, however, it is the mind training and changes in lifestyle that are particularly important.
You will participate in group seminars and also in individual coaching sessions. We will gladly send you more exact details of our 3E-program upon request.