3E Centre – Audio & Video
with Lothar Hirneise and Klaus Pertl
New Podcast with Lothar Hirneise and Klaus Pertl
Dr. Susanne Bennett talking to Lothar Hirneise about the Oil-Protein Diet

What is cancer?
Why do people get cancer?
Is there a link between stress and cancer?
Can cancer be cured?
Is there a cancer diet?
What have we learned from cancer survivors?
Why no studies who compares conventional and alternative therapies?
Can you reverse cancer?
Why is cancer not on the decline?
Is destroying or fighting cancer cells really working?
How is it possible to survive cancer against all odds? Is it possible to outsmart cancer?
What are 3 important things you need to know if you have breast cancer or prostate cancer?
How to reduce the confusion and complexity about cancer
How does cancer develop? In this videos, Lothar Hirneise speaks about the simple physiological explanation
One of our guest from Australia is recommending this video for making your own quark
Ask yourself this two important questions before you start the Oil-Protein Diet
Watch and listen to Lothar Hirneise´s advice about the original Oil-Quark-Mix
Lothar Hirneise tells you everything you should know about fats & oils to avoid mistakes in the original Oil-Protein Diet
Learn how to make the original Oil-Quark-Mix as Dr. Johanna Budwig taught Lothar Hirneise personally
Lothar Hirneise tells us the 5 mistakes you should avoid in the original oil-protein diet
Lothar Hirneise talking about the 3E-Program in the Budwig Center Germany
Lothar Hirneise tells us why Sauerkraut is so important in the original oil-protein diet
Lothar Hirneise talking about the Oil-Protein Diet and alternative cancer programs